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What You Need to Know About New Jersey’s Traffic Violation Law


One of the most frequent driving infractions in New Jersey is speeding. Almost everyone is familiar with someone who has, at some point, received a speeding ticket. Even though this crime is frequently brought against people, a conviction for speeding can undoubtedly cause problems in your life.

If you are found guilty of exceeding the speed limit, you could face fines, points on your license, and rising insurance costs. If the violation involves flagrantly excessive speed (i.e., 90 MPH or higher) or some other aggravating circumstance that raises the possibility of a court-imposed suspension, the situation is even more urgent.

You should consult with a knowledgeable and experienced New Jersey traffic violation lawyer to better understand the specifics of your citation or summons, as well as the penalties and other repercussions that may follow if you are unable to contest your moving offense successfully.

The defensive lawyers at The Law Office of Mark N. Glyptis, are shrewd litigators with years of expertise addressing a variety of speeding cases as well as other Motor Vehicle Traffic Violations in the Municipal Courts of New Jersey, as well as other states. Here are some things you need to know about New Jersey’s Motor Vehicle Traffic Violation Laws.


What New Jersey Speeding Laws Require and What You Should Know

In In New Jersey, there are three different speed limits or zones. A speeding infraction is committed when a car or truck is operated beyond these speed limits.

  • In a suburban business or residential district: 35 mph.

  • In a business or residential district: 25 mph.

  • When driving through a school zone with children present: 25 mph.

  • In all unlabeled locations: 55 mph, except for those subject to the 65-mile-per-hour limit according to the Speed Limit Implementation Act.

The penalties under the New Jersey Speeding Law, found at N.J.S.A. 39:4-98, apply if the maximum speed limit is not followed in these zones. This law imposes penalties that, for the most part, increase in proportion to the rate at which you exceed the speed limit.

The law mandates increased fines for anyone accused of speeding at a rate of at least 20 mph over the posted limit.

The License Points System of NJ

This state has implemented a point system that, after someone has four or more points on their license, results in the imposition of surcharges. If they accumulate twelve or more points, they may also be suspended.

A driver's cumulative point total is reduced by three points each year they drive without being ticketed for speeding or another moving offense. Points are taken off for finishing a defensive driving or driver improvement test.

The NJ Point Schedule assesses two points for exceeding the posted speed limit by 1 to 14 MPH, four points for exceeding it by 15 to 29 MPH, and five points for exceeding it by 30 MPH or more.

If you have violated motor vehicle Traffic Laws and need an experienced attorney to help you fight the often very severe, long lasting penalties utilizing our aggressive representation, contact our office immediately.

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